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So brody are a couple guys (Steve and Eric) from Northern California who make music together. They met sometime around 1994 or 1995 and have been playing and writing music together on and off since then. They incorporate a number of different styles to their music, which is influenced by a broad and diverse group of artists, from Beck to the Grateful Dead to Guided By Voices and back again. brody came about around the time they first began participating in Songfight!, an online group of independent recording artists and songwriters. They had been playing in an electric band (Squirmer) and brody developed as a sort of acoustic step-child of Squirmer. For a number of years, Steve and Eric both lived on Grove street in San Francisco, literally within shouting distance of each other, and at the same time, they worked at the same store. Currently, Eric lives in Mill Valley, California and Steve lives in Santa Cruz, California. They still get together and record as much as feasibly possible, which is not enough, and are currently working on producing a CD of original music which should be available by the end of 2010.

Occasionally, free downloads will get posted, vents will be ranted, anecdotes will be waxed nostalgic, and hopefully nobody will get hurt or arrested in the process. Thanks for visiting.

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About brody

  • I'm jack
  • From Santa Cruz, California, United States
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